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Umberto Gambardella, publication list

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  1. G. Marconato, C. Pira, D. Alesini, D. D’Agostino, O. Azzolini, C. Braggio, R. Caforio, E Chyhyrynets, A. D’Elia, M. Fracasso, U. Gambardella, V. Garcia, C. Gatti, G. Ghigo, D. Di Gioacchino, L. Gozzelino, G. Keppel, C. Ligi, G. Maccarrone, N. Pompeo, A. Rettaroli, A. Salmaso, E. Silva, F. Stivanello, S. Tocci, D. Torsello, “"NbTi Thin Film SRF Cavities for Dark Matter Search”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 34 0600706 (2024), DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2024.3416541
  2. A. Rettaroli, D. Alesini, D. Babusci, C. Braggio, G. Carugno, D. D’Agostino, A. D’Elia, D. Di Gioacchino, R. Di Vora, P. Falferi, U. Gambardella, A. Gardikiotis, C. Gatti, C. Ligi, A. Lombardi, G. Maccarrone, A. Ortolan, G. Ruoso, S. Tocci, and G. Vidali (QUAX Collaboration), “Search for axion dark matter with the QUAX–LNF tunable haloscope”, Physical Review D 110 022008 (2024), DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.110.022008
  3. L. Rossi, et al., “IRIS - A New Distributed Research Infrastructure on Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 34 9500309 (2024), DOI 10.1109/TASC.2023.33411984
  4. M. Statera, S. Maffezzoli Felis, L. Canoninca, U. Gambardella, L. Rossi, C. Santini, and S. Sorti, “A Magnesium Diboride Test Line Rated 1 GW Conceptual Design”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 34 5400104 (2024), DOI 10.1109/TASC.2023.33411989
  5. R. Di Vora, A. Lombardi, A. Ortolan, R. Pengo, G. Ruoso, C Braggio, G. Carugno L. Taffarello, G. Cappelli, N. Crescini, M. Esposito, L. Planat, A. Ranadive, N. Roch, D. Alesini, D. Babusci, A. D'Elia, D. Di Gioacchino, C. Gatti, C. Ligi, G. Maccarrone, A. Rettaroli, S. Tocci, D. D'Agostino, U. Gambardella, G. Iannone, P. Falferi “Search for galactic axions with a traveling wave parametric amplifier”, Physical Review D 108 062005 (2023), DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.062005, WOS:001092841600001
  6. G. Marconato, O. Azzolini, R. Caforio, E. Chyhyrynets, D. Fonnesu, D. Ford, V. Garcia, G. Keppel, C. Pira, A. Salmaso, F. Stivanello, C. Braggio, G. Ruoso, D. Alesini, C. Gatti, A. D'Elia, D. Di Gioacchino, C. Ligi, G. Maccarrone, A. Rettaroli, S. Tocci, U. Gambardella, D. D'Agostino, S. Posen, “Nb AND NbTi COATINGS ON Cu RESONATING CAVITIES FOR DARK MATTER SEARCH”, SRF2023 Proc., June 25-30, 2023, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
  7. C. Roux, P. Aguar Bartolome, A. Bleile, L. Bozyk, M. Janke, F. Kaether, J. Ketter, P. Kowina, K. Kozlowski, V. Marusov, J.P. Meier, I. Pongrac, N. Pyka, P. Spiller, K. Sugita, A. Szwangruber, P. Szwangruber, A. Waldt, S. Wilfert, T. Winkler, U. Gambardella, D. D'Agostino, “SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS FOR SIS100 AT FAIR – STATUS UPDATE”, IPAC '23 Proc., May 7-12, 2023, Venice, Italy
  8. D. Alesini, D. Babusci, C. Braggio, G. Carugno, N. Crescini, D. D'Agostino, A. D'Elia, D. Di Gioacchino, R. Di Vora, P. Falferi, U. Gambardella, C. Gatti, G. Iannone, C. Ligi, A. Lombardi, G. Maccarrone, A. Ortolan, R. Pengo, A. Rettaroli, G. Ruoso, L. Taffarello, and S. Tocci “Search for Galactic axions with a high-Q dielectric cavity”, Physical Review D 106 052007 (2022), DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.052007
  9. R. Di Vora, D. Alesini, C. Braggio, G. Carugno, N. Crescini, D. D'Agostino, D. Di Gioacchino, P. Falferi, U. Gambardella, C. Gatti, G. Iannone, C. Ligi, A. Lombardi, G. Maccarrone, A. Ortolan, R. Pengo, A. Rettaroli, G. Ruoso, L. Taffarello, and S. Tocci, “A high-Q microwave dielectric resonator for axion dark matter haloscopes”, Physical Review Applied 17 054013 (2022), DOI 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.17.054013
  10. Maria Vittoria Morone, Federica Dell'Annunziata, Rosa Giugliano, Annalisa Chianese, Anna De Filippis, Luca Rinaldi, Umberto Gambardella, Gianluigi Franci, Massimiliano Galdiero, Antonio Morone, “Pulsed laser ablation of magnetic nanoparticles as a novel antibacterial strategy against gram positive bacteria”, Applied Surface Science Advancesd 7 100213 (2022), DOI 10.1016/j.apsadv.2022.100213
  11. D. Alesini, C. Braggio, G. Carugno, N. Crescini, D. D'Agostino, D. Di Gioacchino, R. Di Vora, P. Falferi, U. Gambardella, C. Gatti, G. Iannone, C. Ligi, A. Lombardi, G. Maccarrone, A. Ortolan, R. Pengo, A. Rettaroli, G. Ruoso, L. Taffarello, and S. Tocci “Search for invisible axion dark matter of mass ma=43 μeV with the QUAX-αγ experiment”, Physical Review D 103 102004 (2021), DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.102004
  12. D. Alesini, C. Braggio, G. Carugno, N. Crescini, D. D'Agostino, D. Di Gioacchino, R. Di Vora, P. Falferi, U. Gambardella, C. Gatti, G. Iannone, C. Ligi, A. Lombardi, G. Maccarone, A. Ortolan, R. Pengo, C. Pira, A. Rettaroli, G. Ruoso, L. Taffarello, and S. Tocci “Realization of a high quality factor resonator with hollow dielectric cylinders for axion searches”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 985 164641 (2021), DOI 10.1016/j.nima.2020.164641
  13. D. Alesini, C. Braggio, G. Carugno, N. Crescini, D. D'Agostino, D. Di Gioacchino, R. Di Vora, P. Falferi, U. Gambardella, C. Gatti, G. Iannone, C. Ligi, A. Lombardi, G. Maccarone, A. Ortolan, R. Pengo, C. Pira, A. Rettaroli, G. Ruoso, L. Taffarello, and S. Tocci “High quality factor photonic cavity for dark matter axion searches”, Review of Scientific Instruments 91 094701 (2020), DOI 10.1063/5.0003878
  14. G. Iannone, D. D'Agostino, A. Saggese, G. Celentano, and U. Gambardella, “Quench Propagation in Commercial REBCO Composite Tapes”, Cryogenics, 109 (2020) 103116 DOI 10.1016/j.cryogenics.2020.103116
  15. N. Crescini, D. Alesini, C. Braggio, G. Carugno, D. D'Agostino, D. Di Gioacchino, P. Falferi, U. Gambardella, C. Gatti, G. Iannone, C. Ligi, A. Lombardi, A. Ortolan, R. Pengo, G. Ruoso, and L. Taffarello, “Axion search with a quantum-limited ferromagnetic haloscope”, Physical Review Letters 124 171801 (2020), DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.171801
  16. D. Alesini, C. Braggio, G. Carugno, N. Crescini, D. D'Agostino, D. Di Gioacchino, R. Di Vora, P. Falferi, S. Gallo, U. Gambardella, C. Gatti, G. Iannone, G. Lamanna, C. Ligi, A. Lombardi, R. Mezzena, A. Ortolan, R. Pengo, N. Pompeo, A. Rettaroli, G. Ruoso, E. Silva, C. C. Speake, L. Taffarello, and S. Tocci, “Galactic axions search with a superconducting resonant cavity”, Physical Review D 99 (2019) 101101, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.101101
  17. G. Iannone, A. Saggese, D. D’Agostino, G. Celentano and U. Gambardella, “Numerical model for quench propagation in composite HTS tapes”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 29 4901305 (2019) DOI 10.1109/TASC.2019.2899462
  18. D. Di Gioacchino, C. Gatti, D. Alesini, C. Ligi, S. Tocci, A. Rettaroli, G. Carugno, N. Crescini, G. Ruoso, C. Braggio, P. Falferi, C.S. Gallo, U. Gambardella, G. Iannone, G. Lamanna, A. Lombardi, R. Mezzena, A. Ortolan, R. Pengo, E. Silva, N. Pompeo, “Microwave losses in a dc magnetic field in superconducting cavities for axion studies”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 29 3500605 (2019) DOI 10.1109/TASC.2019.2897267
  19. N. Crescini, D. Alesini, C. Braggio, G. Carugno, D. Di Gioacchino, C. S. Gallo, U. Gambardella, C. Gatti, G. Iannone, G. Lamanna, C. Ligi, A. Lombardi, A. Ortolan, S. Pagano, R. Pengo, G. Ruoso, C. C. Speake, L. Taffarello, “Operation of a ferromagnetic Axion haloscope at ma= 58 μeV”, Eur. Phys. J. C 78 9 (2018) 703, DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-6163-8
  20. G. De Marzi, G. Iannone, U. Gambardella, “Magnetic Losses of Commercial REBCO Coated Conductors in the Low-Frequency Range”, Superconductor Science and Technology, 31 (2018) 055011, DOI 10.1088/1361-6668/aab5fd
  21. G. Iannone, A. Saggese, G. De Marzi, and U. Gambardella, “Magnetic characterization and FEM computation of MgB2 bulk spheres”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 27 5900104 (2017) DOI 10.1109/TASC.2016.2637360
  22. S. Farinon, G. Iannone, P. Fabbricatore, U. Gambardella, “Numerical Modeling of Critical-state Magnetization in Type-II Superconducting Cylinders under Parallel and Transverse Magnetic Field”, Cryogenics, 81 (2017), 107-114, DOI 10.1016/j.cryogenics.2016.11.001
  23. G. Iannone, F. Quero, U. Gambardella, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, and G. Volpini , “Composite Superconducting Wires for Fast Ramped Magnets”, Composites part B: engineering 90 (2016) 133-140, DOI 10.1016/j.compositesb.2015.12.023
  24. Aniello Saggese, Gerardo Iannone, Umberto Gambardella, Nicola Califano, Amedeo Ferrentino, “20 kA HTS Current Leads for the INFN Magnet Test Facility”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 25 (2015) 4801304, DOI 10.1109/TASC.2014.2368052
  25. Stefania Farinon, Pasquale Fabbricatore, Riccardo Musenich, Giovanni Bellomo, Massimo Sorbi, Giovanni Volpini, Umberto Gambardella, Silvano Angius, Alberto Barutti, Daniele Magrassi, and Roberto Marabotto, “Experimental Study of the Mechanical Characteristics of SIS300 Cos Theta Dipolar Coils”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 25 (2015) 4003605, DOI 10.1109/TASC.2015.2396931
  26. G. Iannone, S. Farinon, G. De Marzi, P. Fabbricatore, U. Gambardella, “Modeling Experimental Magnetization Cycles of Thin Superconducting Strips by Finite Element Simulations”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 25 (2015) 8200107, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2014.2345339
  27. S. Farinon, G. Iannone, P. Fabbricatore, U. Gambardella, “2D and 3D Numerical Modeling of Experimental Magnetization Cycles in Disks and Spheres”, Superconductor Science and Technology, 27 (2014) 104005 DOI:10.1088/0953-2048/27/10/104005
  28. M. Sorbi, F. Alessandria, G. Baldessari, G. Bellomo, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, A. Leone, R. Musenich, A. Paccalini, D. Pedrini, M. Quadrio, M. Todero, and Giovanni Volpini, “Measurements and Analysis of the SIS-300 Dipole Prototype During the Functional Test at LASA”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 24 (2014) 4002205, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2013.2283814
  29. G. Volpini, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, G. Manfreda, R. Musenich, M. Quadrio, and M. Sorbi, “AC Losses Measurement of the DISCORAP Model Dipole Magnet for the SIS300 Synchrotron at FAIR”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 24 (2014) 4000205, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2013.2280733
  30. H. Mueller, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, L. Bottura, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, E. Fischer, U. Gambardella, R. Musenich, M. Sorbi, and G. Volpini, “Next Generation of Fast-Cycled Dipoles for SIS300 Synchrotron”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 24 (2014) 4004204, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2013.2287635
  31. U. Gambardella, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, M. Holm, G. Iannone, B. Karlemo, H. Mueller, R. Musenich, D. Pedrini, A. Saggese, M. Sorbi, G. Volpini, “An Experimental Study of Fine Filaments NbTi Strand for Fast Cycled Magnets”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 24 (2014) 6000404, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2013.2281465
  32. P. Fabbricatore, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, U. Gambardella, S. Farinon, R. Marabotto, H. Muller, R. Musenich, M. Sorbi, G. Volpini, “The Curved Fast Ramped Superconducting Dipoles for FAIR SIS300 Synchrotron: From First Model to Future Developments”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 23 (2013) 4000505, 10.1109/TASC.2012.2229332
  33. A. Morandi, M. Breschi, M. Casali, M. Fabbri, C. Ferdeghini, U. Gambardella, A. Malagoli, S. Pace, P.L. Ribani, G. Romano, A. Saggese, M. Vignolo, “Quench Behavior of MgB2 Pancake Coil for FCL Applications”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 23 (2013) 5600404, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2012.2234174
  34. M. Sorbi, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, A. Leone, R. Marabotto, R. Musenich, A. Paccalini, D. Pedrini, M. Quadrio, M. Todero, G. Volpini, “The Functional Test of the SIS300 Model Dipole at INFN-LASA”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 23 (2013) 4000304, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2012.2229771
  35. F. Bosi, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, R. Musenich, R. Marabotto, E. Paoloni, “Compact Superconducting High Gradient Quadrupole Magnets for the Interaction Regions of High Luminosity Colliders”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 23 (2013) 4001004, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2012.2231716
  36. P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, V. Corato, G. De Marzi, T. Spina, U. Gambardella, A. Saggese, “Experimental investigation of the transverse resistivity in Nb3Sn wires through ac susceptibility”, Superconductor Science and Technology 26 (2013) 085001, DOI: 10.1088/0953-2048/26/8/085001
  37. A. Di Bartolomeo, F. Giubileo, L. Iemmo, F. Romeo, S. Santandrea and U Gambardella, “Transfer characteristics and contact resistance in Ni- and Ti-contacted graphene-based field-effect transistors”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25 (2013) 155303, DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/25/15/155303
  38. G. Celentano, G. Messina, A. Angrisani Armenio, A. Augieri, F. Fabbri, V. Galluzzi, A. Mancini, F. Rizzo, A. Rufoloni, A. Vannozzi, U. Gambardella, A. Saggese, G. Iannone, and P. Sabatino, “Quench Behavior of a Conduction Cooled YBa2Cu 3O7-x Tape Pancake Coil”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 23 (2013) 4600704, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2012.2234334
  39. S. Farinon, P. Fabbricatore, R. Musenich, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, M. Sorbi, G. Volpini, U. Gambardella, and R. Marabotto, “A Model Dipole for FAIR SIS300: 3D Design of the Mechanical Structure”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity21 (2011) 1804
  40. P. Fabbricatore, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, U. Gambardella, S. Farinon, R. Marabotto, R. Musenich, M. Sorbi, and G. Volpini, “The Construction of the Model of the Curved Fast Ramped Superconducting Dipole for FAIR SIS300 Synchrotron”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 21 (2011) 1863
  41. M. Sorbi, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, R. Musenich, G. Volpini, “The Preparation of the LASA Test Station for the SIS300 Model Dipole”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 21 (2011) 1808
  42. L. Allocca, C. Buonavolonta', U. Gambardella, A. Morone, M. Valentino, “Growth of Magnetic Nano-Structures by Laser Ablation Deposition”, NSTI Nanotech 2011 1 (2011) 89
  43. G. Celentano, G. De Marzi, S. Gaudio, A. Augieri, V. Galluzzi, A. Mancini, A. Rufoloni, A. Vannozzi, A. della Corte, U. Gambardella, A. Saggese, J. J. Jiang, J. Weiss, and E. Hellstrom, “The Effect of Doping on the Magnetic Properties in Ba(Fe1-x Cox)As 2 Polycrystalline Samples”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 21 (2011) 2874
  44. G. Volpini, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, R. Musenich, M. Sorbi, B. Karlemo, and M. Holm, “Low Loss Nb-Ti Superconducting Rutherford Cable Manufacture for the SIS300 INFN Model Dipole”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 21 (2011) 3334
  45. M. Sorbi, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, R. Musenich, G. Volpini, “Thermal Analysis of the FAIR SIS300 Model Dipole 2”, ADVANCES IN CRYOGENIC ENGINEERING, VOLS 55A AND 55B Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings 1218 (2010) 981, DOI: 10.1063/1.3422469
  46. S. Gaudio, G. de Marzi, A. Angrisani Armenio, G. Celentano, L. Morici, A. della Corte, U. Gambardella, J. Jiang, E.E. Hellstrom, J.D. Weiss, D.C. Larbalestier, “ Magnetic characterization of Ba(Fe0.9Co0.1)(2)As-2”, Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 470 (2010), S397, DOI: 10.1016/j.physc.2009.10.136
  47. P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, S. Incardone, U. Gambardella, A. Saggese, G. Volpini, “The transverse resistivity in S/C multifilament wires studied through ac susceptibility measurements”, Journal of Applied Physics 106 (2009) 083905
  48. A. Augieri, V. Galluzzi, G. Celentano, A. A. Angrisani, A. Mancini, A. Rufoloni, A. Vannozzi, E. Silva, N. Pompeo, T. Petrisor, L. Ciontea, U. Gambardella, S. Rubanov, “Transport properties improvement by means of BZO inclusions in PLD grown YBCO thin films”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 19 (2009) 3399
  49. A. Vannozzi, G. Celentano, A. A. Angrisani, A. Augieri, V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, A. Mancini, T. Petrisor, A. Rufoloni, G. Thalmaier, “Ni-Cu-Co Alloy Textured Substrate for YBCO Coated Conductors”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 19 (2009) 3283
  50. G. Celentano, G. M. Polli, A. Angrisani Armenio, A. Augieri, V. Galluzzi, A. Mancini, A. Rufoloni,A. Vannozzi, U. Gambardella, A. Saggese, S. Pace, “ Hot Spot Stimulated Transition in YBCO Coated Conductors: Experiments and Simulations”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 19 (2009) 2486
  51. S. Farinon, P. Fabbricatore, R. Musenich, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, M. Sorbi, G. Volpini, U. Gambardella, R. Marabotto, “A Model Dipole for FAIR SIS300: Design of the Mechanical Structure ”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 19 (2009) 1141
  52. M. Sorbi, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, R. Musenich, G. Volpini, “ Electromagnetic Design of the Coil-Ends for the FAIR SIS300 Model Dipole”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 19 (2009) 1131
  53. C. Tarantini, M. R. Cimberle, U. Gambardella, E. Lehmann, P. Manfrinetti, A. Palenzona, M. Putti, C. Ferdeghini, “Magnetization decays in neutron irradiated MgB2 bulk”, Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 013903
  54. P. Fabbricatore, F. Alessandria, G. Bellomo, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, J. Kaugerts, R. Marabotto, R. Musenich, G. Moritz, M. Sorbi, and G. Volpini, “Development of a Curved Fast Ramped Dipole for FAIR SIS300”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 18 (2008) 232
  55. V. Cavaliere, A. Matrone, G. Masullo, R. Quarantiello A. Saggese, S. Pace, U. Gambardella, “Normal Zone Propagation in a MgB 2 Conduction Cooled Test Magnet”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 18 (2008) 924
  56. A. Angrisani Armenio, A. Augieri, G. Celentano, V. Galluzzi, A. Mancini, A. Rufoloni, A. Vannozzi, U. Gambardella, A. Saggese, P. Sessa, S. Pace, “Stability Measurements on YBCO coated conductors”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 18 (2008) 1293
  57. Antonella Mancini, Giuseppe Celentano, Valentina Galluzzi, Alessandro Rufoloni, Angelo Vannozzi, Andrea Augieri, Lelia Ciontea, Traian Petrisor, Umberto Gambardella, Giovanni Longo and Antonio Cricenti, “Pd layer on cube textured substrates for MOD-TFA and PLD YBCO coated conductors”, Superconductor Science and Technology 21 (2008) 015003
  58. C. Tarantini, H. U. Aebersold, C. Bernini, V. Braccini, C. Ferdeghini, U. Gambardella, E. Lehmann, P. Manfrinetti, A. Palenzona, I. Pallecchi, M. Vignolo, M. Putti, “ Neutron irradiation on MgB2 ”, Physica C: Superconductivity 463-465 (2007), 211
  59. P. Fabbricatore, M. Greco, C. Ferdeghini, C. Bernini, U. Gambardella, G. Celentano, A. Devred, “ Low Field Instabilities in Nb3Sn Multifilamentary Wires: a Possible Role of Un-reacted Nb ”, Superconductor Science and Technology 20 (2007), L34
  60. E. Perini, S. Ginocchio, G. Giunchi, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, A. Matrone, R. Quarantiello, V. Cavaliere, and T. Cavallin“ The Magnetic Characterization of a MgB2 Superconducting Hollow Cylinder, at Variable Temperatures up to Tc”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 17 (2007), 2730
  61. A. Vannozzi, A. Augieri, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, F. Fabbri, V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, A. Mancini, T. Petrisor, and A. Rufoloni “Cube Textured Substrates for YBCO Coated Conductors: Influence of Initial Grain Size and Strain Conditions During Tape Rolling”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 17 (2007), 3436
  62. V. Galluzzi, A. Augieri, L. Ciontea, G. Celentano, F. Fabbri, U. Gambardella, A. Mancini, T. Petrisor, N. Pompeo, A. Rufoloni, E. Silva, and A. Vannozzi “YBa2Cu3O7-δ Films With BaZrO3 Inclusions for Strong-Pinning in Superconducting Films on Single Crystal Substrate”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 17 (2007), 3628
  63. Michela Greco, Cristina Bernini, Pasquale Fabbricatore, Carlo Ferdeghini, and Umberto Gambardella, “ Investigation of Magnetization Behavior of Nb3Sn Wires for the Next European Dipole (NED) activity ”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 17 (2007), 2722
  64. U. Gambardella, A. Saggese, P. Sessa, A. Guarino, S. Pace, G. Masullo, A. Matrone, E. Petrillo, R. Quarantiello, “ Stability Measurements in Multi-filamentary MgB2 Tapes ”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 17 (2007), 2937
  65. A. Augieri, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, J. Halbritter, T. Petrisor, A. Rufoloni, A. Vannozzi, “ Angular properties of pure and Ca-substituted YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconducting thin films grown on SrTiO3 and CeO2 buffered Al 2O3 substrates ”, Physica C: Superconductivity 460-462 (2007), 829
  66. A. Santoni, U. Besi Vetrella, G. Celentano, U. Gambardella, A. Mancini, “X-ray photoemission study of MgB2 films synthesized from in-situ annealed MgB2/Mg multilayers” , Applied Physics A 86(2007), 485-490
  67. A. Augieri, G. Celentano, U. Gambardella, J. Halbritter, T. Petrisor, “ Analysis of angular dependence of pinning mechanisms on Ca-substituted YBa2Cu3O7-δ epitaxial thin films”, Superconductor Science and Technology, 20 (2007), 381
  68. C. Tarantini, H. U. Aebersold, V. Braccini, G. Celentano, C. Ferdeghini, V. Ferrando, U. Gambardella, F. Gatti, E. Lehmann, P. Manfrinetti, D. MarrÈ, A. Palenzona, I. Pallecchi, I. Sheikin, A. S. Siri and M. Putti, “Effects of neutron irradiation on polycrystalline Mg11B2”, Physical Review B 73 (2006), 134518
  69. Michela Greco, Pasquale Fabbricatore, Carlo Ferdeghini, Umberto Gambardella, “Magnetization Measurements of Nb3Sn Wires for the Next European Dipole (NED)”, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 16 (2006) 1164
  70. P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, M. Greco, G. Volpini, “Rapid cycling superconducting magnets”, Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 154 (2006), 157
  71. A. Augieri, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, J. Halbritter, A. Mancini, T. Petrisor, A. Rufoloni, A. Vannozzi, “Superconducting and normal state transport properties of epitaxial 10 at.% Ca substituted YBCO thin films”, Physica C: Superconductivity 437-438 (2006), 17
  72. Celentano, G.; Galluzzi, V.; Mancini, A.; Rufoloni, A.; Vannozzi, A.; Augieri, A.; Petrisor, T.; Ciontea, L.; Tuissi, A.; Villa, E.; Gambardella, U., “YBCO films and CeO 2 /YSZ/CeO2 buffer layers grown on Ni-Cr-W RABiTS with a Pd seed layer”, IEEE Applied Superconductivity 15 (2005), 2691
  73. C. Cancellieri, A. Augieri, V. Boffa, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, F. Fabbri, V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, G. Grassano, T. Petrisor, R. Tebano, “Deposition and characterization of Y1‑x Cax Ba2Cu3O7-δ epitaxial thin films” IEEE Applied Superconductivity 15 (2005), 3038
  74. A. Augieri, T. Petrisor, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, V. Galluzzi,U. Gambardella, A. Mancini, A. Rufoloni, "Effect of Ca doping in YBCO superconducting thin films", Physica C: Superconductivity 401 (2004), 320
  75. G. Celentano, E. Varesi, T. Petrisor V. Boffa, L. Ciontea, V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, A. Mancini, A. Rufoloni, A. Vannozzi, "Influence of substrate microstructure on the superconducting properties of YBCO coated conductors", IEEE Applied Superconductivity 13 (2003), 2591
  76. A. Mancini, V. Galluzzi, U. Besi Vetrella, V. Boffa, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, U. Gambardella, G. Grassano, T. Petrisor, A. Rufoloni, S. Sprio, M. Vadrucci, "Properties of MgB2 films grown by means of different vapour phase techniques", IEEE Applied Superconductivity 13 (2003), 3305
  77. D. Di Gioacchino, U. Gambardella, P. Tripodi, G. Grimaldi, "Irreversibility line and magnetic field dependence of the critical current in superconducting MgB2 bulk samples", Superconductor Science and Technology 16 (2003), 534
  78. D. Di Gioacchino, P. Tripodi, U. Gambardella, "Third harmonic ac susceptibility measurements on MgB2 bulk: irreversibility line and frequency dynamic behaviour", Physica C: Superconductivity 388-389 (2003), 175
  79. A. Mancini, G. Celentano, F. Fabbri, V. Galluzzi, T. Petrisor, A. Rufoloni, E. Varesi, A. Vannozzi, R. Rogai, V. Boffa, U. Gambardella, "Inclined substrate deposited CeO2 films by eletron beam evaporation on randomly oriented metallic substrate", Int. J. of Modern Physics B17 (2003) 886
  80. R. Rogai, V. Galluzzi, A. Mancini, G. Celentano, T. Petrisor, A. Rufoloni, E. Varesi, G. Grassano, V. Boffa, U. Gambardella, "Growth of MgB2 thin films by means of in situ deposition techniques", Int. J. of Modern Physics B 17 (2003) 703
  81. E. Varesi, G. Celentano, T. Petrisor, V. Boffa, L. Ciontea, V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, A. Mancini, A. Rufoloni, A. Vannozzi, "Pulsed laser deposition of high critical current density YBa2Cu3O7-y/CeO2/Ni-W architecture for coated conductors applications", Superconductor Science and Technology 16 (2003), 498
  82.  G. Grimaldi, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, V. Ferrando, C. Ferdeghini, S. Siri, “Magnetic behavior of magnesium diboride superconducting thin films”, Int. J. of Modern Physics B 17 (2003) 597
  83. T. Petrisor, V. Boffa, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, F. Fabbri, V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, A. Mancini, A. Rufoloni, E. Varesi, "Epitaxial oxidation of NiV biaxially textured tapes", Physica C: Superconductivity377 (2002), 135
  84. G. Celentano, V. Boffa, L. Ciontea, F. Fabbri, V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, A. Mancini, T. Petrisor, R. Rogai, A. Rufoloni, E. Varesi, "High Jc YBCO coated conductors on non-magnetic metallic substrate using YSZ-based buffer layer architecture", Physica C: Superconductivity372-376 (2002), 790
  85. E. Varesi, V. Boffa, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, F. Fabbri, V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, A. Mancini, T. Petrisor, A. Rufoloni, A. Vannozzi, " Biaxial texturing of Ni alloy substrates for YBCO coated conductors", Physica C: Superconductivity 372-376 (2002), 763
  86. G. Grimaldi, M. Bauer, H. Kinder, W. Prusseit, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, "Magnetic imaging of YBCO coated conductors by Hall probes", Physica C: Superconductivity 372-376 (2002), 1009
  87. D. Di Gioacchino, P. Tripodi, U. Gambardella, "Jc(T,B) calculation of BSSCO tape by magnetization loop measurements", Physica C: Superconductivity 372-376 (2002), 945
  88. G. Grimaldi, V. Boffa, G. Celentano, F. Fabbri, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, T. Petrisor, "Critical Current Hysteresis in Low Angle Y-Ba-Cu-O Bicrystals", IEEE Applied Superconductivity 11 (2001), 3776
  89. V. Boffa, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, F. Fabbri,  V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, G. Grimaldi, A. Mancini, T. Petrisor, "Influence of film thickness on the critical current of YBa2Cu3O7-x thick films on Ni-V biaxially textured substrate", IEEE Applied Superconductivity, 11 (2001), 3158
  90. M. Gombos, A. Vecchione, P. Tedesco, D. Zola, U. Gambardella, S. Pace,"Study of morphological and structural properties of multi-seeded NdBaCuO samples", IEEE Applied Superconductivity 11 (2001), 3517
  91. A. De Santis, G. Grimaldi, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, V. Boffa, G. Celentano, F. Fabbri, V. Galluzzi, L. Muzzi, T. Petisor, "Voltage current analysis in YBa2Cu3O7/CeO2/NiO/Ni-V structure", Physica C: Superconductivity 354 (2001), 223
  92. F. Fabbri, C. Annino, V. Boffa, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, U. Gambardella, G. Grimaldi, A. Mancini, T. Petrisor, "Properties of biaxially oriented Y2O3 based buffer layers deposited on cube textured non-magnetic Ni-V substrates for YBCO coated conductors", Physica C: Superconductivity, 341-348 (2000), 2503
  93. G. Celentano, C. Annino, V. Boffa, L. Ciontea, F. Fabbri, U. Gambardella, V. Galluzzi, G. Grimaldi, A. Mancini, L. Muzzi, T. Petrisor, "Superconducting and structural properties of YBCO thick films grown on biaxially oriented CeO2/NiO/Ni-V architecture", Physica C: Superconductivity, 341-348 (2000), 2501
  94. D. Di Gioacchino, P. Tripodi, F. Celani, U. Gambardella, A. M. Testa, S. Pace, "Third harmonic susceptibility: frequency dependence and pinning potential", Physica B, 284-288 (2000), 895
  95. A. Morone, A. Di Trolio, G. P. Parisi, U. Gambardella, "Some Results on the SmBaCuO Thin Films Formation by Off Axis Pulsed Laser Deposition", Physica C: Superconductivity 341-348 (2000), 2351
  96. A. Mancini, V. Boffa, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, M. Damasceni, F. Fabbri, V. Galluzzi, G. Grimaldi, T. Petrisor, S. Ceresara, U. Gambardella, "Development of buffer layer structures for YBa2Cu3O7- coated conductors on textured Ni-V substrate", Int. Journal of Modern Physics B 14 (2000), 3128
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  98. A. De Santis, G. Grimaldi, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, A. M. Cucolo, M. C. Cucolo, V. Boffa, G. Celentano, F. Fabbri, "Voltage current characteristics of c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7 films deposited by d.c. sputtering", Physica C: Superconductivity 340 (2000), 225
  99. V. Boffa, T. Petrisor, G. Celentano, F. Fabbri, C. Annino, S. Ceresara, L. Ciontea, V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, G. Grimaldi, A. Mancini, "Epitaxial Growth of YBa2Cu3O7 on Ni89V11 non-magnetic biaxially textured substrate using NiO as buffer layer", Supercond. Sci. Technol.13 (2000), 1467
  100. V. Boffa, C. Annino, D. Bettinelli, S. Ceresara, L. Ciontea, F. Fabbri,V. Galluzzi, U. Gambardella, G. Celentano, G. Grimaldi, A. Mancini, T. Petrisor, P. Scardi, "Epitaxial growth of heterostructures on biaxially textured metallic substrates for YBCO tape fabrication", Philosophical Magazine 80 (2000), 979
  101. D. Bettinelli, T. Petrisor, U. Gambardella, V. Boffa, S. Ceresara, L. Nistor, V. Pop, and P. Scardi, "Magnetic Properties of Biaxially Oriented Ni-V Substrates", Int. Journal of Modern Physics B13 (1999), 1169
  102. Gaia Grimaldi, Umberto Gambardella, and Sandro Pace, "Inhomogeneous magnetic flux focusing in superconducting Josephson networks", Physical Review B 59 (1999), 13608
  103. T. Petrisor, V. Boffa, G. Celentano, L. Ciontea, F. Fabbri, U. Gambardella, S. Ceresara, P. Scardi, "Development of biaxially aligned buffer layers on Ni and Ni-based alloy substrates for YBCO tapes fabrication", IEEE Applied Superconductivity 9 (1999), 2256
  104. A. Di Trolio, A. Morone, S. Orlando, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, "Analysis of growth conditions of SmBaCuO thin films", IEEE Applied Superconductivity 9 (1999), 1583
  105. A. Di Trolio, A. Morone, S. Orlando, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, "Growth and superconducting properties of SmBaCuO thin films", Int. Journal of Modern Physics B 13 (1999), 1055
  106. U. Gambardella, G. Celentano, V. Boffa, S. Pace, "Analysis of the Fiske modes in a short Josephson junction with non uniform critical current density, Journal of Applied Physics 84 (1998), 5363
  107. A. Di Trolio, U. Gambardella, A. Morone, S. Orlando, G. P. Parisi, "Pulsed laser deposition: analysis and deposition of SmBaCuO films", Applied Surface Science 127-129 (1998), 959
  108. U. Gambardella, G. Grimaldi, P. Caputo, S. Pace, "Experimental analysis of the phase dynamics in small parallel arrays of Josephson junctions", Journal of Applied Physics 82 (1997), 3607
  109. V. Boffa, T. Petrisor, L. Ciontea, U. Gambardella, S. Barbanera, "High quality surface YBCO thin films prepared by off axis pulsed laser deposition technique", Physica C 276 (1997), 218
  110. V. Boffa, T. Petrisor, U. Gambardella, L. Ciontea, S. Barbanera, R. Bruzzese, "High-Quality YBCO Thin Films Grown by Off-Axis PLD Geometry", IEEE Applied Superconductivity 7 (1997), 1189
  111. F. Fabbri, V. Boffa, T. Petrisor, R. Bruzzese, L. Ciontea, U. Gambardella, S. Barbanera, A. Montone, M. Vittori Antisari, "Superconducting and structural properties of YBCO thin films and multilayers prepared by off-axis pulsed laser deposition technique", Il Nuovo Cimento19D (1997), 1061
  112. G. Cappuccio, U. Gambardella, A. Morone, S. Orlando, G. P. Parisi, "Pulsed laser ablation of NbN/MgO/NbN multilayers", Applied Surface Science 109/110 (1997), 399
  113. G. Grimaldi, G. Filatrella, S. Pace, U. Gambardella, "Flux distribution and critical currents in a one dimensional row of a Josephson junction square lattice", Physics Letters A 223 (1996), 463
  114. V. Boffa, T. Petrisor, L. Ciontea, U. Gambardella, S. Barbanera, "Properties of in-situ laser-pulsed deposited YBCO thin films on MgO with SrTiO3buffer layer", Physica C 260 (1996), 111
  115. A. Barone, S. Barbanera, V. Boffa, G. Filatrella, U. Gambardella, S. Matarazzo, S. Pagano, "Superconducting high Tc electronic devices", Ceramics International22 (1996), 359
  116. P. Caputo, G. Celentano, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, V. Boffa, "Magnetic field behavior of resonant current steps in one dimensional arrays of Josephson tunnel junctions", Czechslovak Journal of Physics S2 46 (1996), 699
  117. V. Boffa, U. Gambardella, V. Marotta, A. Morone, F. Murtas, S. Orlando, G. P. Parisi, "NbN superconducting thin films grown by pulsed laser ablation", Applied Surface Science 106 (1996), 361
  118. U. Gambardella, P. Caputo, V. Boffa, G. Celentano, G. Costabile, S. Pace, "Static properties and current steps in one dimensional parallel arrays of Josephson tunnel junctions in the presence of magnetic field", Journal of Applied Physics 76 (1996), 322
  119. M. J. Durante, R. Musenich, R. Parodi, G. Gemme, P. Fabbricatore, B. Zhang, U. Gambardella, V. Boffa, C. Bottino, V. Buscaglia, "Preparation method and RF behaviour of Nb3Sn thin films obtained by bronze process", IEEE Applied Superconductivity 5 (1995), 837
  120. U. Gambardella, A. Giardini, V. Marotta, A. Morone, S. Orlando and M. Snels, "Laser Ablation of BiSrCaCuO superconducting thin film: analysis of intermediate species in real time", Applied SurfaceScience 86 (1995), 45
  121. S. Pagano, S. Barbanera, V. Boffa, S. Matarazzo, F. Murtas, C. Romeo, F. Gatta, U. Gambardella, G. Filatrella, "High Tc Josephson junction for electronic applications", Il Nuovo Cimento 16D (1994), 2095
  122. R. De Luca, P. Caputo, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, "A study of the dc susceptibility of granular superconductors by means of Josephson junction array model", Il Nuovo Cimento 16D (1994), 1851
  123. T. M. Di Palma, U. Gambardella, A. Giardini, V. Marotta, R. Martino, A. Morone, S. Orlando, "Fluorescence analysis and growth of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting thin films", Physica C235-240 (1994), 661
  124. S. Barbanera, V. Boffa, U. Gambardella, R. Leoni, S. Matarazzo, F. Murtas, S. Pagano, C. Romeo, "Anomalous voltage modulation observed in YBCO dc-SQUIDs based on step-edge junctions", PhysicaC 235-240 (1994), 3267
  125. D. Ferro, U. Gambardella, V. Marotta, R. Martino, A. Morone, S. Orlando, G. P. Parisi, "Properties and analysis on superconducting pellet and thin film of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O material", Applied Surface Science 79/80 (1994), 455
  126. A. Giardini-Guidoni, D. Ferro, U. Gambardella, V. Marotta, R. Martino, A. Morone, S. Orlando, "Structural characterization and properties of superconducting thin films produced by pulsed laser deposition", Thin Solid Films 241 (1994), 114
  127. S. Matarazzo, S. Pagano, S. Barbanera, F. Ciciulla, F. Murtas, V. Boffa, R. Bruzzese, U. Gambardella, C. Romeo, M. Penna, "DC SQUIDs Based On YBCO Step Edge Junctions", Journal of Superconductivity6 (1993), 391
  128. V. Boffa, G. Paterno', C. Romeo, M. Penna, S. Barbanera, P. Castrucci, F. Murtas, D. Di Gioacchino, U. Gambardella, "Properties of epitaxial Y1Ba2Cu3Oy thin films on sapphire with Pr1Ba2Cu3Oy buffer layers", IEEE Applied Superconductivity3 (1993), 1068
  129. U. Gambardella, D. Di Gioacchino, V. Boffa, G. Paterno', S. Barbanera, F. Murtas, "Critical currents in NbZr superconducting thin films", IEEE Applied Superconductivity 3 (1993), 1253
  130. U. Gambardella, D. Di Gioacchino, G. Paterno', M. Cirillo, "Superconducting properties of Nb75Zr25-Oxide-Nb75Zr25 tunnel junctions", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 87 (1992), 23
  131. P. Fabbricatore, U. Gambardella, F. Gomory, R. Musenich, M. Occhetto, R. Parodi, F. Pompa, "A simple digital system for AC magnetic measurements on superconductors", Review of ScientificInstruments 62 (1991), 1796
  132. M. Barone, A. Cattoni, U. Gambardella, G. Modestino, R. Parodi, R. Penco, M. Perrella, M. Preger, C. Sanelli, A. Savoia, F. Sgamma, "Superconducting wiggler for Adone: design and present status", Il Nuovo Cimento 13D (1991), 579
  133. D. Di Gioacchino, P. Fabbricatore, S. Frigerio, U. Gambardella, R. Musenich, R. Parodi, G. Paterno', S. Rizzo, C. Vaccarezza, "DC features and RF losses of Nb-based superconducting thin films", IEEETransaction on Magnetics MAG-27 (1991), 1299
  134. R. Boni, D. Di Gioacchino, A. Gallo, U. Gambardella, M. Minestrini, F. Tazzioli, C. Vaccarezza, "Activities on superconducting cavities at LNF", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics MAG-27 (1991), 1932
  135. A. De Ninno, P. Gislon, M. Marinelli, G. Paterno', U. Gambardella, P. Paroli, G. Balestrino, "Transport critical currents in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O pellets and single crystals", Physica C162-164 (1990), 359
  136. V. Boffa, G. Paterno', C. Alvani, S. Casadio, U. Gambardella, C. Vaccarezza, "Effects of sintering conditions on the transport properties of YBaCuO pellets", Physica C 162-164 (1990), 913
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  139. G. Balestrino, U. Gambardella, Y. L. Liu, M. Marinelli, A. Paoletti, P. Paroli, G. Paterno', "Growth of single-crystals of the high temperature superconductors 'YBCO' (Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x) and 'BISCCO 2212' (Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x)", Vuoto, Scienza e Tecnologia Vol. XVIII (1989), 222
  140. U. Gambardella, G. Paterno', C. Alvani, S. Casadio, "Fabrication process and superconducting behavior of sintered YBa2Cu3O7 ceramic samples", Vuoto, Scienza e Tecnologia Vol. XVIII (1989), 218
  141. G. Paterno', C. Alvani, S. Casadio, U. Gambardella, L. Maritato, "D.C. critical currents in superconducting ceramic samples of YBa2Cu3O7", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics MAG-25 (1989), 2276
  142. G. Balestrino, U. Gambardella, Y. L. Liu, M. Marinelli, A. Paoletti, P. Paroli, G. Paterno', "Growth of thick single crystals of the high Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2 CaCu2O8+x ", Journal of Crystal Growth 92 (1988), 674
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  145. M. Cirillo, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, "Dynamical states in long Josephson junctions", Physica Scripta 38 (1988), 600
  146. A. Ferrigno, U. Gambardella, S. Pace, "Phase shift effects on the I-V characteristics of zero-field current spikes in long Josephson junctions", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics MAG-23 (1987), 1102
  147. S. Pace, U. Gambardella, "Displaced linear slope and fluxon dynamics in large one dimensional Josephson junction", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 62 (1986), 197
  148. G. Costabile, U. Gambardella, S. Pagano, "Automatic d.c. current singularities recording in a Josephson junction", Review of Scientific Instruments 56 (1985), 1623
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